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Hotel Crisis Consulting

Debt Restructuring

Crisis Management

Lender Negotiations

Transaction Negotiations

Mergers & Acquisitions

Business Valuation

Debt & Equity Placement

Due Diligence

Banking Advisory

Operations Assessment


Operations Assessment

Delta’s Business Operations Assessment is a thorough examination of your business through documentation and an on-site visit for meetings and analysis.

Delta will examine aspects of your business such as employment agreements, employee structure, budgets & financial statements, as well as systems, procedures, purchasing, cash management and communication.

As former senior managers and business owners, the members of Delta Capital Group bring valuable operating experience to their clients. Operations are reviewed to assure they align with strategic goals.

Delta brings an executive perspective acting as advisors to senior management or assuming interim CEO, COO or CFO roles as appropriate. Delta brings experience in operational structure, problem resolution, liquidity management, negotiations, system design and implementation.

This will assist you in making decisions that will benefit your business and it future.